Reliability evaluation using TEG is highly effective for evaluation of semiconductor circuits as complex as products because it is difficult to narrow down process reliability problems in particular. It is crucial to detect reliability problems likely to come up in the product stage as early as possible and to inform design and process engineers. OKI Engineering's wafer-level reliability evaluation service is so designed as to establish a highly reliable process and to secure product reliability on long term basis.
The most effective means of reliability evaluation on wafer-level. We offer measuring service for various parameters of TEG wafer gate oxide films, such as TZDB, TDDB, hot carrier, etc.
The key feature is evaluation of TEG data for each failure mechanism assumed beforehand using a proprietary measurement program.
The illustration below introduces an evaluation example of gate oxide of a damaged TEG wafer during pre-process plasma device development. The evaluation case example introduces TZDB (Time Zero Dielectric Breakdown) and TDDB (Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown) each for unprocessed, plasma process A and plasma process B (from the left column to the right). The TZDB evaluation clearly shows substantial damage of the gate oxide film in plasma process B, while the TDDB evaluation measures the variance between the unprocessed product (margin not measured by TZDB) and plasma process A.
Alongside shrinking processes the electric field strength in the vicinity of a FET drain negatively affects the FET's characteristics since the highly energized carrier (hot carrier and electron hole) transfuses into the gate oxide.
Hereafter, we demonstrate a case example of 'hot carrier' evaluation. Specifically, a voltage stress of Vg < Vd is applied and changes in Vth (threshold voltage), etc. are measured.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3