Employing IC testers, we perform characteristics measurement and characteristics evaluation (measurement of actual AC characteristics and margin measurement) not only at room temperature, but also at high-low temperatures.
This is a case example of measuring board design and manufacture tailored to 1000-pin-class MCM (multi-chip module) products in development (CPU & Memory) and measurement performed in accordance with assembly configurations.
Actual performance of bare chip probing spans over 7 to 100 pads and chip sizes between 1 and 5 square millimeters at room temperature.
Example 1 of basic data acquisition using TEG: I-V characteristics (to the power of -12~-13 ampere measuring possible)
Example 2 of basic data acquisition using TEG: C-V characteristics
In order to use automotive devices at maximum level of confidence we perform evaluations only with the latest linear testers. The wide range of linear IC tester applicable devices include AC-DC power control ICs, precision OpAmps, motor drivers, telecom devices, all kinds of sensors, analog and digital audio / other small signal ICs, etc.