
ESD Related Common Test Services

  • "We have not achieved target immunity level with ESD tests!"
  • "We want to conduct latch-up tests in shortest possible time!"
  • "Failure devices have been returned with questions regarding the stress that caused the damage!"
  • OKI Engineering offers various services for the needs of clients who are facing this sort of problems.

Our wide range of test services includes:

  • ESD tests, Latch-up tests, as well as electrostatic Immunity tests,
  • * Failure location analysis/improvement service which helps improve products and boards/modules,
  • * Reproduction of the physical symptoms of failure that occurred in the client's assembly process or in the market,
  • * Countermeasure plan for process and failure reproduction tests.

Device Failure Analysis and Improvement Support

  • In case of failure occurrence during ESD and Latch-up tests, we determine the failure location by means of liquid crystal thermal emission analysis and light emission analysis using a PEM (Photoemission Microscope).
  • A specialist well versed in protection circuit design will sort out the problem in the failure location and layout, and provide an improvement plan.
  • We are also prepared for production of process samples in order to verify the efficiency of the improvement plan. Using an FIB (Focused Ion Beam) we can cut and connect wires, and fill back post-process resin fractures.
  • Liquid crystal analysis
    Liquid crystal analysis
  • PEM analysis
    Example of PEM analysis

Board and Module Improvement Support

  • In case of failure occurrence during system immunity test, we point the device and failure location.
  • We quantify the stress level on the pins by measuring the discharge current using an ESD Gun and/or by TLP (Transmission Line Pulse) evaluation and provide an improvement plan.
  • A specialist well versed in protection circuit design will sort out the problem in the failure location and layout, and provide an improvement plan.
  • We are also ready to verify the transient response characteristics of the mounted surge protection device by means of TLP evaluation.

Failure Reproduction Test

  • This test service comprises reproduction tests for malfunction symptoms occurred during client's assembly process or in the market.
  • Not only limited to standard HBM and CDM, but also including system immunity test conditions and low capacitance capacitor discharge (10pF, 0Ω), etc., optionally, reproduction of failure symptoms by changing capacitance and resistance of surge conditions.
  • From the reproduced surge conditions we assume under which conditions this kind of surge ingresses in the client's assembly process and market environment.
  • In-process failure
    In-process failure
  • Reproduction test product
    Reproduction test product

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