Example Cases

Example Cases

OKI Engineering performs reliability evaluation tests and failure analysis for numerous kinds of electronic components (such as ICs, chip capacitors, relays and printboards) as well as for units and materials. Please feel welcome to ask us about your interest, expectations and questions.


Characteristics Evaluation Program development, jig manufacture (burn-in and measurement) for general purpose LSIs
Elevated H/L temperature tests for LSIs
Normal temperature LSI tests (SRAM, DRAM, ASIC, ROM, FPGA, standard logic, linear LSI/MCM)
Reliability Tests LSI failure rate (lifetime) tests
FPGA screening tests
LSI environment and durability tests
ROM retarding tests
LSI burn-in
Reflow tests (ultrasonic microscope, SEM)
LSI screening tests
ESD, latch-up characteristics tests
Degradation Tests Appropriateness of conversion cycles by lifetime examination for LSIs in use.
Failure Analyses LSI failure analysis (apparent condition tests, electrical specifications, transmission X-ray, ultrasonic microscope, sealing, inward look )
Membrane removal by etch-back (RIE wet) followed by inspections (optical microscope, SEM)
Unsealing of LSIs (ceramic, can, mold resin)
Elemental analysis of failure location (EPMA, AES) - foreign substance analysis between lead terminals capillary terminals, etc. (EPMA)
Surface defect investigation (optical microscope, SEM)
Solder plating peel-off analysis (SEM, EPMA)
Identification of defect location (liquid crystal method, hot emission microscope, potential contrast method, infrared microscope, etc.)
Solder bump boyd investigation (transmission X-ray)
Internal defect investigation (infrared microscope)
Examination of source of aluminum wire corrosion (EPMA)
Inspection of defect location cross-section (FIB, SEM, TEM)
Analysis of aluminum pad surface defect caused by bonding peel-off, etc. (EPMA, AES)
Non-Defective Analyses Non-defective analysis in mounted state or on surface (MCM, packaged)
DPA (Destructive Physical Analysis) for MIL specificied devices
Non-defective analysis for device cross-section structures
Membrane removal by etch-back (RIE wet) followed by inspections (optical microscope, SEM)
Bond pull tests
Analyses Analysis of mixed devices from other companies (optical microscope, SEM)
Evaluation of contamination on metal surfaces of wafers (total reflection fluorescent X-ray)
Analysis of elementary structure of devices from other companies (TEM, SEM)
Inspection of gate oxide thickness and interface (TEM lattice image)
Analysis of contact structure defect (TEM)
Thickness analysis of insulating ONO film of capacitors (TEM)
Inspection of wiring interface boyd (FIB, TEM)
Inspection of silicide reactions (AES, TEM)
Evaluation of device crystallization defect
Measurement of crystal grain size on Al and Cu wiring (FIB, TEM)
Measurement of impurity distribution in silicon, etc. (SIMS)
Moisture analysis of interlayer insulation film (TDS)
Wafer lifetime measurement
Analysis of natural oxidation film (XPS)
Surface analysis of silicon (TDS, XPS)
State analysis of intermetallic compounds in Al wire and Au pad interfaces (EPMA)
Evaluation of silicon/polysilicon surface roughness (AFM, TEM)
Miscellaneous Wiring repair using FIB

TEST OBJECTS: Electronic Components (non-IC/LSI)

Characteristics Evaluation Characteristics evaluations of transitors and diodes
Characteristics evaluations of LED parametric
Evaluations of absolute values and impedances of resistors, coils, capacitors
Fuse characteristic tests (fusing temperature, strength, etc.)
Reliability Tests Failure analysis and lifetime tests for transistors, diodes, resistors, coils, capacitors, LEDs, etc.)
Screening tests for resistors and capacitors
Environmental and endurance tests for components
Fuse reliability tests (meltdown, vibration)
Lifetime tests for electrolytic capacitors
Degradation Tests Lifetime tests for coils, capacitors, etc.
Failure Analyses Failure analysis of components (visual inspection, electrical characteristics, transmission X-ray, sealing, internal inspection)
Elementary analysis of defect locations in tantalum capacitors (EPMA)
Cause examination of short-circuiting in ceramic capacitors (EPMA)
Cause investigation of capacitor lead fractures
Components surface state inspections, cause analysis
Failure inspection of film capacitors
Analysis of LED luminance degradation (FIB, TEM)
Transmission X-ray inspection of capacitors
Non-Defective Analyses DPA (Destructive Physical Analysis) for MIL specificied capacitors
Non-defective analysis of special capacitors and resistors
Evaluation of nonconforming products
Analyses Fuse fracture cross section inspection (SEM)
Impurity distribution in diode boards (EPMA-WDX)
Analysis of MOS transistor cross-section structure (optical microscope, SEM)

TEST OBJECTS: Connection Devices (Electromechanical), Boards

Characteristics Evaluation Contact resistance measurement
Insertion/extraction force measurement
Solder wetting test
Connector insertion/extraction test
Plating thickness test
Air-proof test for seal switches
Bending tests
Reliability Tests Failure rate and lifetime tests for connection parts (connectors, switches, sockets, relays) and boards
Thermal shock reliability tests, etc., for multi-layer assembly boards
Vibration tests for connection devices and boards
Special environmental tests for assembly boards (particular gas and dust tests, etc.)
Gas tests (H2S/SO2, mixed gasses) for connectors, switches and sockets
Combustion tests for boards
Thermal shock reliability tests, etc., for connectors
Dust tests for optical connectors
Thermal shock reliability tests, etc., for aluminum core boards
Salt spray tests for plated portions
Failure Analyses Failure analysis for electromechanical devices (visual inspections, air-sealing tests, transmission microscope X-ray, degradation investigations)
Analysis of dust adhesion on printboards (EPMA)
Cause investigation for connection failure at the contact point of relays, etc.
Insulation deterioration analysis for printboards (EPMA)
Cause investigation of connector corrosion (optical microscope, SEM, EPMA)
Malfunction analysis of charge terminal connections (EPMA, AES)
Non-Defective Analyses Cross-section analysis of printboard through-holes
Cross-section analysis of connector fitting
Analyses Structure analysis of other companies' printboards (optical microscope, EPMA)
Analysis of gold-plated surface denaturation (EPMA)
Composition analysis of relay materials (EPMA)
Structure analysis of push-button switches (EPMA)
Investigation of connector migration (EPMA)
Inspection of crystal grain by solder degradation (SEM)

TEST OBJECTS: Miscellaneous Devices

Characteristics Evaluation Characteristics evaluation of crystal oscillators
Evaluation board design for surface-mount devices (resistors, capacitors, transistors, crystal oscillators, connectors, pressure sensors, switches, etc.)
Characteristics evaluation of transistors (winding, impedance, linear resistance
Illuminance tests for lamps
Strength test of optical fiber
Operation characteristics of LCD panels under reduced pressure
Insertion loss characteristics of optical fiber
Reliability Tests Environment tests for oscillators
Temperature, humidity, salt spray, vibration and shock tests for optical connectors
Thermal shock reliability tests, etc., for optical sensors
Lifetime tests for lamps
Failure Analyses Failure analysis for various components (visual inspections, electrical characteristics, defect investigations)
Malfunction analysis of LCD panels (optical microscope, EPMA)
Observations for cause investigation, elementary analysis (optical microscope, SEM, EPMA)
Analyses Surface morphology of oscillators (AFM)
Fluorescent substance analysis for PDPs (EPMA)
Cross-section structure analysis of crystal oscillator electrodes (TEM)

TEST OBJECTS: Units and Equipment

Characteristics Evaluation DC voltage characteristics (static, input current, rush current, ripple, instant &intermittent discontinuity, wake-up, etc.)
Vibration characteristics of units (resonance point and structure defect inspections)
Electrical characteristics of units (power supply, cards, modules, boards, cords, special units, such as automotive, printers, telephones)
Characteristic evaluation of fan motors (start-up voltage, current & torque, rotation speed, ambient noise, air flow volume)
Characteristics of AC cords (strength, warm-up by power distribution)
Electrical characteristics of IC cards, modules
Reliability Tests Dust tests for units
Irradiation tests for IC cards (X-ray, UV, magnetic)
Vibration and shock tests for units
Equipment insulation tests (using an artificial climate chamber)
Water-proof test for units
Seismic tests for equipment (with seismic waves)
Lightning surge tests for units
Weather resistance tests for equipment (chill, dew, vibration, water-resistance)
Failure Analyses Failure analysis for units (visual inspections, electrical characteristics, defect investigations)
Recurrent malfunction tests (printers, power supplies, assembly boards, CCD cameras)
Non-Defective Analyses Condition of AC cord strength
Degradation Tests Examination of degradation by heat generation
Analyses Motor shaft breakage test
Structure investigation of optical element modules (optical microscope)
Analysis of printer toner
Analysis of LC module materials (optical microscope, SEM, EPMA)
Analysis of electrical cable fractures (SEM)

TEST OBJECTS: Materials and Others

Characteristics Evaluation Stress corrosion tests for metals
Plastic solvent crack test
Atmospheric corrosion tests for metals
Tear strength of thermal paper
Pseudo-atmospheric corrosion tests for metals (special gas tests)
Rubber climp tests
Strength tests for metals, optical fiber, plastics, etc.
Degeneration evaluation of materials (concentration, etc)
Reliability Tests Solvent resistance of plastics
Oil-proof tests for rubber
Duration tests for rubber hoses
Analyses Analysis of silicon rubber characteristics (EPMA)
Analysis of exogenous surface adhesive (EPMA)
Analysis of metal cross-section fractures (SEM)
Evaluation of crystalline in Mn-Zn monolithic crystal ferrit (TEM)
Analysis of peeling state of Au alloy clad bend section (SEM)
Measurement of oxid layer thickness on copper wires (TEM)
Quantitive analysis of WSi membrane thickness
Structure analysis of superlattice (TEM)
Analysis of optical lens contamination (EPMA)
Surface structure analysis of super-conductive thin film (TEM)
Structure analysis of ferroelectric thin film(TEM)
Granularity measurement of colloid solutions (TEM)
TiSi reflection electron beam diffraction (TEM)

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